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WOD 2024.01.23 Deadlift



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Mission Statement

To promote health and vitality through strength, endurance and adventure sports for all persons.

USAWA 2025 Postal Series

Q1 Postal Continental Snatch - 95kg = 176; 100kg = OPEN Press From Rack - Behind Neck - 95kg = 110 (me); 100kg = OPEN Trap Bar Deadlift - 95kg = OPEN, 100kg = 635 Q2 Postal Rectangular Fix - 95kg = 70 (me); 100kg = OPEN Clean & Seated Press - 2 Dumbbells - 95kg = 100 (me); 100kg = OPEN Hack Lift - One Hand [LEFT] 95kg = 248; 100kg = OPEN [RIGHT] 95kg = 248; 100kg = 330 Q3 Postal Crucifix - 95kg = 77; 100kg = 60 Cheat Curl - Dumbbell - One Hand - [LEFT] 95kg = OPEN; 100kg = OPEN [RIGHT] 95kg = OPEN; 100kg = OPEN Deadlift - One Hand [LEFT] 95kg = 320; 100kg = 253 [RIGHT] 95kg = 309; 100kg = 364 Q4 Postal Dumbbell Swing - One Hand [LEFT] 95kg = 40; 100kg = 45 [RIGHT] 95kg = 40; 100kg = 55 Bench Press - Fulton Bar - 95kg = 225; 100kg = 225 Vertical Bar Deadlift - One Bar - 2" [LEFT] 95kg = 130(me); 100kg = 200 [RIGHT] 95kg = 160; 100kg = OPEN

5 Ways to Grow the USAWA in 2025 - A Rebuttal

I would typically avoid being a naysayer or cynical without offering another solution or constructive criticism, but a recent article on struck a nerve with me. It was entitled "5 Ways to Grow the USAWA in 2025" and suggested Recruiting meet directors in geographic areas without a USAWA presence Making Nationals a can't miss event Modernize logo Encourage sponsorship with uniform changes (knee sleeves and leggings) Embrace change I was originally set back by the premise that USAWA wants to grow.  It has always been a 100ish athlete all volunteer organization with modest budget.  Income consists of membership fees, meet sanctioning fees and donations.  Expenses include drug testing, web hosting and awards.  The organization has stayed in the fringes since 1987 specifically by not getting too big for its britches. Recruiting meet directors is a great idea.  However, assuming athletes want odd lifting, they will need at least one official who would have t...