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Showing posts from January, 2024

WOD 2024.01.23 Deadlift

Deadlift 8x35 8x45 5x45 5x45 Upright Rows 8x15 8x20

WOD 2024.01.25 Metcon - Push-ups

Metcon 5 rounds of 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest Station 1 - Ski Erg (4-5 cal/round) Station 2 - KBS (12#, 16-18/round) Push-up Technique Finisher

WOD 2024.01.21 Squat - Arms

Back Squat 5x15 8x25 5x35 3x45 Alt DB Curl 3x8x8# DB OH Press 1x8x8s

WOD 2024.01.16 Rope Skips - Ring Rows

5 Rounds of: 30 rope skips 10 ring rows

WOD 2024.01.13 Bench - Arms

Bench Press 8x15 8x25 6x30 4x35 (2 boards) 2x35 (2 boards) --- Alt DB Curl 3x10x8# --- Triceps DB OH Extension 3x8x15#

WOD 2024.01.09 - Deadlift - Bent Over Rows

Deadlift 8x35 8x45 8x45 8x50 -- Bent Over Rows 3x8x15 -- Air Squat - Sit-up Finisher

WOD 2024.01.05 - Back Squat - Arms

Back Squat: 8x15 8x25 8x30 6x35 5x25 tempo 4x25 tempo -- EZ Curls 3x8 Skull Crusher 3x8 Upright Row 3x8